Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Well I'm a lucky man!!!
This is probably the hardest post I have ever written as the reality of the whole event hasn't really sunk in. Yesterday night I was celebrating (what I thought would be) my last night in Fortaleza with Clara and Johan, as we were going home around 2 AM, I was carrying Claras handbag when I felt somebody tug at it, before I had realised what was happening I tugged back and then I'm not quite sure what happened, the deafening bang went off right beside my leftear but I never saw the pistol? There was no real pain but as I ran from the loud explosion I realised the flood of blood pouring out from my mouth, I dropped the bag (and my brandnew brazilian flipflops...) sat down on a curb, caking myself in blood and trying to understand what had just happened without using to much energy. Luckily the bullet had taken a detour south-east leaving me with a slightly deaf left ear (which they say will be fine) a few exit wounds on both cheeks and a jawline like the elephant-man, but by the time the ambulance got to me I had lost extremly much blood. It took me quite a while to realise what a cartoon freak I had turned into but heads turned quite a bit as the bloody mess arrived at the first public hospital. Its unbelievable to think how lucky I was, shot in the head from pointblank range I was starting to wonder how much longer I could possibly live, but by the time I set my mind to surviving another one of the grimreapers attempts at me, there was no doubt in my mind I was going to get through those vital early stages. The biggest problem has been the fact that I constantly have to spit out a sticky bloody goo and that my throat hurts too much to talk, eat or drink. We spent roughly 9 hours in the public hospital when Clara and Johan's employers (who have been absoutly amazing as have Clara and Johan helping me through this) showed up and moved me to a fancy private hospital which is where I am now. They want to keep me here for 5 days to let the swelling go down, before they decide wether or not put me in surgery to check on some fractures and get part of the bullet out of my jaw. That's about all information I can give you now, but I will keep you all updated as I count my lucky stars!
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Paul, vi tänker på dej. Precis som din mamma skrev, nån slags ängel fanns där. Krya på dej.
Gud Paul. Vilken händelse! Jag är så tacksam att du hade ängeln vid din sida. Hoppas du trots allt känner dig okej. Bra att de tar hand om dig och vi hoppas du kommer hem snart. Kram Fia
Well. Paul --- really don't know what to say except that we hope all will be well with you !!! What a f*'d up experience to go through ! You are indeed a lucky man, and we hope that the Brazilians are taking really good care of you. Get well soon !
Hej Paul!
Här är Rita- du vet Aureas mamma.
Jag är så otrolig ledsen över att höra det som har hänt dig i mitt hemland. Helt offatbart och oacceptabelt. Sånt man tror bara händer andra. Tack gude god att du lever och kommer, är jag säker på, att bli helt frisk snart igen.
Jag hörde det som hänt genom Aurea förstås och hon är oxå så ledsen- helt förkrossade så att säga.
Det finns ingenting som kan göra det som hänt dig omgjort och det gör ont i mitt hjärt att mitt älskade och fina( i så manga aspekter) hemland erbjöd dig just en sådan hemsk erfarenhet.
Jag hoppas att alla tar bra hand om dig nu där så att du få ha kvar något bra minne fårn några mäniskor i Brasilien.
Här finns två- Aurea och Jag- som tänker på dig och önskart dig en sabb tillfrisknade till ett fortsatt, glat och meninfullt liv.
Stor kram,
"Mamma" Rita
Hej igen Paul,
Hörde från Aurea att du kommer att opereras i morgon. Det ska gå jättebra är jag säker på.
Hörde också att du ville ha min e-post adress- här kommer den:
Stor kram,
Paul! Jag blir verkligen knockad av det du skrev, helt sjukt! Hemskt att sådana saker kan hända. Jag hoppas att du känner dig bättre real soon. Vi tänker på dig allihopa här nere i Mozambique.
Kramar Saroja, Calle & Evelyn
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