Getting the morning bus proved unproblematic despite not getting many hours sleep after the previous nights escapades. I have now been walking around the streets which Bruce Springsteen sang about for three days and it really is a pretty city. Philadelphia played a vital part in the country gaining it's independence and was at one point the capital city. This is evident when walking around, with signs bragging about different important Philadelphians, places of historical interest and a bell with a big crack in it. I also walked to the Art Museum which boasts one of the biggest and most significant art-collections in the U.S.A. However most people seem to opt to do what I did, ignoring the museum and just running up the staircase made famous by Sylvester Stalone in the Rocky movies.
I have also made a realisation which is sad, as I doubt I will be able to do the usual spontaneous travel which I love to do. The United States just aren't used to backpackers, and prices for bustickets go up a lot if not booked well in advance and hostels are few and far between meaning reservations are often very necessary, I was very lucky to get a bed last night without booking. As an example Philadelphia has a population comparable to Budapest, but while the Hungarian capital has over 260 hostel listings Philadelphia has a measly ONE!!!
Now it is time for me to leave the city of brotherly love and catch my bus towards the next city which is Baltimore.