I'm leaving today... Since my last post over a year ago I've gotten back into the normal routine of things, working at the same pub for 10 months before resigning to enjoy what turned out to be one of the best Stockholm summers I can remember. I also went to my Uncle's wedding in Brighton and had an epic one month long roadtrip of Eastern Europe with a few Aussie mates, flying to Macedonia and travelling up through some beautiful countries before getting the ferry back to Sweden.
Now however is the beginning of my new big trip. My first destination will be New York City, I decided the date of 9/11 was an appropriate day to get the ball rolling and from there I plan to travel by road all through the Americas hopefully getting to Brazil before the Football World Cup has begun in June next year. The route isn't set in stone but I hope to be able to share some amazing experiences with you readers over the coming months, hopefully it wont be as dramatic as my last trip across the Atlantic...
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